Latest Shagbark Blog Posts
Indigenous foodways create new beginnings
September 2021 (reprinted from the Staple Pulse Newsletter)
by Michelle Ajamian
In the Appalachia forest where I live, my neighbors have taught me about the abundance before us. They told me where the morels are, and when to plant ginseng seed they had collected. My partner listened as they hunted together and he learned of managing deer herds, raising rabbits, and making venison jerky. Still, ...Read More
A Day in the Market Life
I've been with Shagbark for the last four months.
One could say I've spent this summer lifting boxes, jotting down bulk orders, answering questions, handling transactions, and providing chip samples.
I would agree...but I've also spent my summer Saturdays learning the Shagbark story, becoming friends with my coworkers and community members, trying local foods, gaining a glimpse into Athens culture, and honing a morning market routine.
I'll detail ...
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New Year at Ohio University: Eating Locally in a College Town
The Athens population exploded overnight with Ohio University students arriving for college classes that started on August 27th.
Now, a table for a brunch date at Casa and Village Bakery involves a longer wait, Alden Library is once again populated at midnight by studying students, and parking spots have never been more rare. The late days of summer bring thousands of individuals to town to experience ...
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Shagbark: Not your typical run of the mill!
Welcome to the Staple Food Revolution! This is our first blog, an introduction to our awesome and beloved mill and what we do here. In future posts, you will find great detail about our delicious products, our partners, and our endless antics in pursuit of regional organic milling. At Shagbark, we focus open pollinated, heirloom varieties because they offer superior flavor and ...
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